Karty Pracy_Autumn&Thanksgiving

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Karty pracy:

The Cosy Side of Autumn zawierają:

Warm-up Activities: Autumn Theme

  • 1. Autumn Brainstorm
  • 2. Five Senses of Autumn
  • 3. Autumn Picture Description
  • 4. Autumn This or That?
  • 5. Autumn Would You Rather…?


  • Reading: The Cosy Side of Autumn
  • Vocabulary
  • 1. Reading Comprehension
  • 2. Fill-the-Gaps
  • 3. Cloze Activity
  • 4. Definitions Quiz
  • 5. Speaking Task
  • 6. Writing Task
  • 7.Dialogue: „A Cosy Autumn Evening”
  • Discussion Questions
  • 8.Listening Comprehension Exercises
  • 9. True or False
  • 10. Fill-in-the-Gaps
  • 11. Discussion Questions
  • 12. Short Writing Task: How I Feel About Rainy Days (50-70 words)
  • 13.Writing Task: How I Cope with Short Days and Bad Weather in Autumn (100-120 words)
  • Answer Key

Thanksgiving Day

Warm-up Activities: Thanksgiving Lesson

  • 1. Brainstorm: What Do You Know About Thanksgiving?
  • 2. Quick Discussion: What Are You Thankful For?
  • 3. Ask students to give a detailed description of this picture, focusing on the colors, textures, smells, and the overall atmosphere. They need to consider the emotions and feelings evoked by the scene.


  • Reading: The Story of Thanksgiving
  • Vocabulary
  • 1.Reading Comprehension Quiz
  • 2. Fill-the-Gaps Activity
  • 3. Cloze Activity
  • 4. Definitions Quiz
  • 5. Speaking Activity: Thanksgiving Traditions
  • 6. Writing Activity: What Are You Thankful For?
  • 7. Reading: The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
  • 8. Dialogue – Two Friends are Talking about Thanksgiving
  • Discussion Questions
  • 9. Listening: How We Celebrate Thanksgiving in the USA
  • 10. Fill-in-the-Gaps Activity
  • 11. True or False Exercise
  • 12. Discussion Questions
  • 13. Writing Task: Describe a Thanksgiving Meal
  • EXTRA!! Simple Recipes for Popular Thanksgiving Dishes

    Answer Key

Kategorie ogólne Zajęcia pozalekcyjne
Klasa/wiek Klasa 8, Szkoła ponadpodstawowa, Edukacja dorosłych
Przedmiot Angielski
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