Travel and Tourism B1/B2. Worksheet. Gotowa lekcja. Karty Pracy.

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Karty pracy idealne na wakacyjne lekcje, ale nie tylko 🙂

Poziom B1/B2. W pliku znajdziecie ćwiczenia takie jak:

1. Reading Text: Exploring New Places

2. Vocabulary List

3. Reading Comprehension Quiz

4. Fill-the-Gaps Activity

5. Gap-Fill / Cloze Activity

6. Definitions Quiz

7. Reading Fill the Gaps Exercise

8. Listening Fill the Gaps Exercise

9. Listening Quiz: Traveling and Exploring New Destinations

10. Phrasal Verbs for Travel and Vacation


12. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

13. Discuss the questions below (1)

14. Discuss the questions below (2)

15. Choose one type of holiday from the list below and explain it to your partner. Take turns describing the holiday and discussing its features.

16. Work in pairs. Take turns to describe the photographs and answer the questions.

Kategorie ogólne Zajęcia pozalekcyjne
Klasa/wiek Klasa 8, Szkoła ponadpodstawowa, Edukacja dorosłych
Przedmiot Angielski
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