Valentine’s Day Taboo – gra na Walentynki

Materiał cyfrowy

22 karty w zestawie m. in. love, broken heart, girlfriend, crush, relationship
Valentine’s Day Taboo is my version of this classic card game. The goal is to get your team to guess the word you are describing, but there’s a list of crossed-out words you can’t say. You should be more creative!

Each card you get right is one point for your team, and all of the cards your skip, or cards on which you said words that were taboo are a point for the other team. You can use a timer. Remember: don’t say any part of the word on the card! (you can’t say ‘love’ or ‘letter’ if your guess word is ‘love letter’) and don’t use gestures.

Ostatnio przeglądane materiały

Kategorie ogólne Szkoła ponadpodstawowa
Klasa/wiek Klasa 6, Klasa 7, Klasa 8
Przedmiot Angielski
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