Zestaw Business English. 2 lekcje: 1.How to be a good employee? 2. How to be a good leader? B1/B2 Karty Pracy. Worksheet

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2 lekcje: 1. How to be a good employee? 2. How to be a good leader?

Materiał może posłużyć jako gotowe lekcje lub dodatek do różnych zajęć.

A o to co znajdziecie w pliku:

1. How to be a good employee?

  • Reading: How to be a good employee?
  • Vaocabulary List
  • Reading Comprehension Quiz
  • Definitions Quiz
  • Fill-the-Gaps Activity
  • Speaking Exercise: Role-play

– 1. Asking for Feedback

– 2. Dealing with a Difficult Colleague

– 3. Proposing a New Idea

  • Key Phrases for Workplace Role-play Exercises
  • Examples: Responses for Role-play Scenarios
  • Listening: Boosting Workplace Productivity: Simple Strategies for Corporate Success
  • Vocabulary Exercise: Matching Workplace Behaviors
  • Reading and Comprehension Exercise: Interview with a Professional
  • Comprehension Questions:
  • How to Write a Job Application Letter
  • Transcription: Boosting Workplace Productivity: Simple Strategies for Corporate Success
  • Answers

2.How to be a good leader?

  • Reading: The Essence of Leadership
  • Vocabulary list
  • Reading Comprehension Quiz
  • Fill-the-Gaps Activity
  • Definitions Quiz
  • Leadership Qualities – Exercises
  • Leadership teamwork – Exercises
  • Find the Synonyms: Leadership Qualities
  • Reading Exercise: True or False Statements
  • Listening Comprehension Exercise
  • Speaking Exercise: Leadership Role Play
  • Example Dialogue for Leadership Role Play
  • Speaking Exercise: Motivating Your Colleagues and Employees
  • Example Speech
  • Answer key


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Kategorie ogólne Edukacja dorosłych
Klasa/wiek Szkoła ponadpodstawowa, Edukacja dorosłych
Przedmiot Angielski
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